A few independent contenders may still have an impact in some crucial states in this race, which is led by former president Donald Trump and incumbent president Joe Biden.
Trump poses as a clear contender for the incumbent president in 2024.
After losing to President Joe Biden in 2020, former President Donald Trump was the first to announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination in November 2022.
He had promised a victory. Even though some party members lost interest in him, Trump was never seriously challenged by the candidates vying to position themselves as the Republican Party’s alternative.
A rematch with Trump was set up when Democratic candidate Joe Biden announced his candidacy for reelection in late April 2023.
While running for reelection, he is focusing on his first-term accomplishments and the policy changes he wants to implement. There was no serious contender to oppose Biden for the nomination.
There are still several independent or third-party contenders in the contest. In a race that could depend on a small number of votes in a small number of states, they could nevertheless have a significant influence even though none of them has a realistic chance of winning the presidency.